Communities of practice
Communities of Practice groups are open to any FinCap-recognised financial mentor
Communities of Practice (CoP) groups are set up by region or interest group.
The CoPs provide:
- A forum for financial mentors to share their professional experiences and knowledge to support one another and strengthen expertise
- A learning environment to provide opportunities for financial mentors to learn with and from each other, and to foster best practice
- A forum to influence or support action within the financial mentoring sector for systemic change and better outcomes for clients.
Our aim is to act as a sounding board; support mentors with tools, resources and training; and focus on communicating with financial mentors and seek to support them.
All Communities of Practice hui are listed on FinCap’s mentor-only Te Papa Hou website under events.
Email the Communities of Practice team at communitiesofpractice@fincap.org.nz.