Submission on the Te Kore, Te Pō, Te Ao Marama – Energy Hardship: The challenges and a way forward Discussion Paper

A whānau should never feel they need to go without the energy they need to keep their home healthy.
Strategies for addressing energy hardship in Aotearoa must propose strong interventions to ensure we all have the essential energy services we need for our health, well-being, and social participation, at a fair price, by default.
FinCap welcomes the opportunity to comment on Te Kore, Te Pō, Te Ao Marama – Energy Hardship: The challenges and a way forward, Energy Hardship Expert Panel Discussion Paper (Discussion Paper).
We support the general direction of the draft strategies proposed by the panel as start to a blueprint for a future without energy hardship.
Since the commencement of the Energy Price Review five years ago, through participation in the formation of the Electricity Authority’s Consumer Care Guidelines and into the Energy Hardship Reference group FinCap has pursued our vision of people, whānau and communities free of hardship.
Submission on the Te Kore, Te Pō, Te Ao Marama – Energy Hardship