Submission on Fair Chance for All Interim Report

Parents, children, carers and whānau members should be able to participate fully in their communities to increase the prosperity of whānau and the wider community.
The public management system needs to truly work for whānau in Aotearoa. No tamariki should have to go without essentials because of inconsistent and confusing support systems and rules.
A fit for purpose public management system is crucial for increasing whānau prosperity in Aotearoa. FinCap welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Fair Chance for All Interim Report (Interim Report).
We comment to provide insights from on the ground about what the barriers and system challenges look like in reality.
The following submission draws on the expertise of financial mentors, who walk alongside many whānau that interact with multiple aspects of the public management system.
FinCap also works in partnership with Muaūpoko Tribal Authority (MTA) in Taitoko, Levin. The focus of this work is to promote whānau prosperity by addressing child poverty. The insights from MTA are also included in this submission.