Submission on Electricity Industry Amendment Bill
Energy is an essential service, whānau need it for their health wellbeing and social participation.
Clear protections to ensure all whānau can readily access the energy they need under fair arrangements are critical to wellbeing in our communities as our energy system transitions.
We strongly support the proposed amendments that can lead to prevention of hardship in Aotearoa via more robust consumer protections.
FinCap is specifically concerned about the harm to whānau who find themselves having to decide whether to heat or eat. Whānau in Aotearoa should never be facing having to go without essential energy services.
We also strongly support the proposed amendments which would lead to a ‘regulatory backstop’ that can bring certainty that the recommendations of the Electricity Price Review (EPR) will be implemented.
Clear recommendations from a review need to be progressed. Each day that protections or initiatives recommended by the EPR are not implemented, the harm they aim to prevent in the community continues.