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Supporting financial mentors to facilitate whānau financial wellbeing

We are a charitable trust which supports hundreds of financial mentors in their work. We also work on solutions to address systemic issues which prevent financial wellbeing

Our kaupapa

MoneyTalks - our free financial helpline - image

MoneyTalks - our free financial helpline

Our MoneyTalks team offers free, confidential support by phone, text, email and live chat. More - MoneyTalks - our free financial helpline

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Workforce development

FinCap delivers high quality training and professional support for financial mentors. More - Workforce development

Advocate for financial wellbeing

Our policy team identifies opportunities for targeted policy reform towards greater financial wellbeing for whānau. More - Advocate for financial wellbeing

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FinCap delivers training support to financial mentors

FinCap facilitates the financial mentoring course FMIC, as well as supervision training, and hosts communities of practice. We also offer wider resources to support professionalisation.